Estado de las líneas Conoce nuestras líneas y sus estados

In accordance with the provisions of Law 1712 of 2014 on transparency and access to public information and in compliance with Directive 006 of 2019 of the Attorney General's Office, Metro de Medellín publishes the following categories of information on the website:

Mission, vision, functions and duties.

Organizational structure.

Maps and descriptive charts of the processes.

Institutional Directory

Directory of public servants, employees or contractors.

Entities directory.

Directory of associations and other interest groups.

Customer service, standards, forms and service protocols.

Procedures followed to make decisions in the different areas.

Mechanism for direct submission of requests, complaints and claims available to the public regarding actions or omissions of the obligated entity.

Supervisory bodies and authorities.

Resume publication.

Activities calendar

Information on decisions that may affect the public

Annual Procurement Plan.

Publication of contractual information

Publication of contract execution.

Contracting, procurement and/or purchasing manual.

Formats or models of contracts or model specifications

General income, expense and investment budget.

Ejecución presupuestal.

Plan de Acción.

Proyectos de Inversión.

Informes de empalme.

Información pública y/o relevante

Informes de gestión, evaluación y auditoría.

Informes de la Oficina de Control Interno.

Informe sobre Defensa Pública y Prevención del Daño Antijurídico.

Informes trimestrales sobre acceso a información, quejas y reclamos.

Planes estratégicos

General description

Citizen Consultation

Collaboration and innovation