Internal disciplinary control
Internal Disciplinary Control in Medellin Metro System is structured in two (2) different units, each one independent, impartial and autonomous with respect to the other. Each of these units advances a different procedural stage. The Disciplinary Investigations Group is responsible for carrying out the disciplinary investigation or instruction stage.

The Internal Disciplinary Control Office is competent to carry out the disciplinary trial stage. The proceedings of the second instances, of both units, are carried out before the General Management, which is competent for such purposes. All of the above, within the framework of Law 1952 of 2019, as amended by Law 2094 2021, in particular, within the mandate established in Article 12 of Law 1952 of 2019.
In effect and, given the competencies assigned to each of the departments, in accordance with the provisions of Article 211 of the referred law 1952, we inform the general public and any other natural or legal person, public servant or supervisory body, that the following are the channels enabled by Medellin Metro System, to bring to the attention of the Disciplinary Investigations Group reports, complaints, anonymous reports, findings and in general, any type of information or documents considered to constitute a possible disciplinary offense, in order to proceed in accordance with the mandate established in the aforementioned provision:
- Email inbox:
- Phone: +57 60 (4) 4449598 extensions 8555 y 8608.
The above mailbox is the direct channel to the Disciplinary Investigations Group, without prejudice to the other Citizen Service channels that Metro de Medellín has established and duly published on its website, such as the PQRSDF form in the "Type of Request", "Complaint", which can be found at the following link:
In the event that reports, complaints, anonymous reports, findings and, in general, any type of information or documents considered to constitute a possible disciplinary offense are submitted through the aforementioned channels to the Disciplinary Investigations Group, the units that manage them will transfer said information to the aforementioned group.
However, citizens in general and any other natural or legal person, public servant or control body are also informed of the e-mail address of the Internal Disciplinary Control Office, which, as indicated above, is the competent body for the disciplinary trial stage:
- Phone: +57 60 (4) 4449598 extension 8821.