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Organizational Structure of Medellin Metro System

The organizational structure of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is composed as follows:

Captura de pantalla 2023-11-16 a la(s) 7.17.36 p. m.
  • 7 Auxiliary Management
  • 1 General Secretary
  • 1 Direction
  • 2 Offices

Defined as follows:

  • The Strategic Areas, where the Company's direction and planning are determined, are the General Management supported by the Planning Management. The Management Departments are areas of Staff or support in specific topics, they are not very executing, and therefore their size is smaller, such as the Communications and Public Relations Directorate.
  • The Mission Areas, are those necessary to fulfill the Company's corporate purpose, such as: Operations and Maintenance Management, Social and Customer Service Management and Business Development Management.
  • The support areas, are those necessary to manage and deliver the resources to all the units and to themselves, they are the Supply and Logistics Management, Administrative Management, Financial Management and the General Secretariat.
  • The areas required by law, such as internal control in the Management Advisory Office and disciplinary control in the Internal Disciplinary Control Office.
  • Functions and duties
  • Location of offices and schedules