Mary Luz Escobar Rivera
Appointed by the Presidency of the Republic
Public Administrator from the Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, Specialist in Regional Development Management and Master in Interdisciplinary Studies for Development from the Universidad de Los Andes.
More than eighteen (18) years of experience in entrepreneurship, innovation, competitiveness and productive and regional development in public organizations such as iNNpulsa Colombia, Colciencias and Presidency of the Republic, where she has held the positions of Director and Advisor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation; She has also been linked to international cooperation organizations such as MSI, ACDI-VOCA, Swisscontact and the United Nations system, to trade and business organizations such as Confecámaras, Consejo Privado de Competitividad, Propaís and some regional Chambers of Commerce where she has been Director of Promotion and Development and Consultant. She currently works as a Competitiveness Policy Reforms Specialist for Swisscontact's Colombia + Competitive Program and General Director of Propulsor Latin America.