Sergio Rafael Fidel Pabón Lozano
Appointed by the Presidency of the Republic
Professional graduated from Universidad Nacional de Colombia -UN, with a degree in Civil Engineering (June 1971) and a Master's Degree in Engineering Sciences: Specialty in Transportation Engineering (June 1976).
He has more than fifty (50) years in the professional practice as Advisor to public and private entities at national and international level in fields of activity that include mainly the execution of Studies, Designs, Interventions, Advisories, Investigations, Evaluation and Quality Control of Work in Infrastructure Projects, with emphasis in the areas of: Engineering projects for roads, highways, urban and rural roads; studies of road maintenance projects, landscaping, tolls and concessions; traffic studies for road, urban and rural projects; construction audits of road and urban road projects, audits of road feasibility studies, improvement and paving of existing roads, audits of road rehabilitation studies and audits of final studies of road projects.
Planning and Optimization Studies of Transportation Systems at urban, regional and national levels; freight transportation, freight and operations; distribution systems; planning and design of airports and air transportation systems, design of route and tariff systems and construction supervision; planning and improvement of river transportation and multimodal transportation at national and international levels. Public Transportation Projects, Planning, Engineering and Design of Mass Transportation Systems and Preferential Roads, Routes, Frequencies and Fares; Design and Application of Origin and Destination Surveys; Studies of Technical Characteristics, Operation and Maintenance of Transportation.
Parking lot projects: design, supply and demand studies; signage and demarcation execution projects; design and installation of controls. Horizontal and Vertical Signaling Projects. Inventory of existing systems, improvement programs, needs analysis and design of new systems. Traffic Signalization Projects, Diagnosis and Improvement Programs; Studies, projects and installation of traffic lights and programming of new systems. Road safety and education, diagnosis and identification of critical and conflictive points; Improvement programs for sections and dangerous points, Economic analysis of progressive improvements, Follow-up over time of road safety programs; Design and elaboration of manuals and school road education courses, Design and execution of specialized courses for traffic authorities, teachers and professors; Design and execution of playgrounds and training and driving centers. Road, Parking and Terminal Information and Administration; Design and Implementation of information and control systems for automobiles, violations and accidents; Advertising campaigns on accident prevention. Geotechnical studies for buildings, housing developments, hydroelectric, thermoelectric and power transmission lines; soil and foundations; sources of materials, slope stability and tunnels.
Pre-feasibility and technical and economic feasibility studies; evaluation and administrative supervision of projects, and valuation studies. Cadastral training plans; cartographic review, updating and digitalization. Topographic and cadastral surveys. Census; Census enumeration of production units; Measurement of production; Surveys; Inventory of buildings and uses; Identification of new urban and rural developments.