Privacy policy and terms of use of the website
The main function of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is to offer its visitors and users access to news, services, procedures, corporate information, regulations and, in general, information related to its functions and objectives.

Through its website, Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) publishes the topics and activities that have to do with the mission, vision, objectives and functions that correspond to its corporate purpose, presents the Metro Culture as an integral model of social, educational and cultural management that articulates the Social Responsibility and Labor Social Inclusion programs for people with disabilities that our Company has.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) requests the visitor and user of this site to read these terms, conditions of use and privacy policy carefully and judiciously before browsing or using this site. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions or any provision of the privacy policy, we suggest that you refrain from accessing or browsing this website.
1. Acceptance of Terms
For all purposes and by the simple fact of accessing the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), the visitor or user accepts and acknowledges that he/she does so under his/her full responsibility and, therefore, fully and unreservedly accepts the content of the terms and conditions of use of the website of this state-owned entity. Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) reserves, in all respects, the right to update and modify at any time and in any way, unilaterally and without prior notice, these privacy policies and terms of use to adapt them to new legislation or jurisprudence, as well as to general industry practices; likewise, it may do so with the contents of its Internet site.
3. Information contained in the website
3.1. Site Content Ownership - Copyright
This Internet site and its contents are property of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá). Its total or partial reproduction, translation, inclusion, transmission, storage or access through analog or digital media or any other system or technology created, without prior written authorization from Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), is forbidden; it is also forbidden to use the contents for commercial purposes, including the promotion of any good or service.
This web site may have links to other sites of interest or to documents located in other pages or web sites owned by other entities, persons or organizations different from Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) Only by the fact that the visitor or user accesses another web site or an individual document located in another page, through a link or a link established in the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) the visitor or user shall be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of the page or website to which the link is sent.
The establishment of a link to the website of another company, entity or program does not necessarily imply the existence of a relationship betweenValle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) and the owner of the linked website or web page, nor the acceptance or approval by Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) of its contents or services. Those institutions or persons who have a link to the page of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) shall refrain from making false statements or indications, including illicit contents, or contrary to good customs and public order, inaccurate or incorrect about Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) or its services.
In addition, Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is not responsible for the information found outside this website and is not directly managed by its administrator. The links that appear in this website have the purpose of informing the visitor or user about the existence of other sources that may expand the contents offered here, or that are related to them. Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) does not guarantee nor is it responsible for the functioning or accessibility of the linked sites or web pages, nor is it responsible for the results obtained or the content published.
The provision of the service of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is free of charge for visitors or users and is governed by the terms and conditions included in this document.
However, it is possible to download material (text, video, audio) from for personal, informative, news and non-commercial use, as long as express mention is made of the property of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá)
With respect to the contents appearing on the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), the user agrees to:
- Use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner.
- Not to suppress, evade or manipulate the copyright and other data identifying the rights of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá)
- Not to use the contents and, in particular, information of any other kind obtained through Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) or services to issue advertising. The Entity shall not be liable for the improper use made by users of the content of its website.
- The visitor or user of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) shall be responsible for any improper, illicit or abnormal use made of the contents, information or services presented in this site.
- The visitor or user of the site, directly or through an intermediary, shall not in any way attempt against the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), against its technological platform, against its information systems, or interfere in its normal operation.
- The visitor or user of the site shall not alter, block or perform any other act that prevents the display of or access to any content, information or services of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) or that are incorporated in the linked sites or web pages.
- The visitor or user of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) shall not send or transmit on or to this website, to other users or to any person, any information of obscene, defamatory, libelous, slanderous or discriminatory scope against Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), against its officers and members in general of the community or against those responsible for the administration of the website.
- The visitor or user of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), shall not incur in and from the same, in illicit conducts such as damages or computer attacks, interception of communications, copyright infringements, unauthorized use of terminals, identity theft, disclosure of secrets or falsehood in documents.
3.2. Privacy
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is interested in safeguarding the privacy of the user's personal information obtained through the entity's website, for which it is committed to adopting a confidentiality policy. Personal information is understood as that provided by the user for registration, which includes data such as name, identification, age, gender, address, telephone and e-mail.
The user acknowledges that the entry of personal information is done voluntarily and at the request of specific requirements by Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) to carry out a procedure, submit a query, or to access services. The user also understands that the data provided by him/her shall be part of a file and/or database that may be used by Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) for the purpose of carrying out a specific process. The user may modify or update the information provided at any time.
The personal information provided by the user is secured by a password that only the user knows. Therefore, he/she is solely responsible for keeping his/her password secret. Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) undertakes not to access or pretend to know this password. Since no Internet transmission is absolutely secure, nor can this be guaranteed, the user assumes the hypothetical risk involved, which he/she knows and accepts.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) has adopted the legally required security levels for the protection of personal data, installing the necessary technical and organizational measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the data provided.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) may use cookies during the provision of services on its Web Site.
3.3 Liability for the information contained
Due to the fact that at present the technical means do not allow guaranteeing the absolute lack of inje- rence of the action of third parties on the website, Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) in no way assures the accuracy and/or veracity of all or part of the information contained in its pages, nor its updating, nor that such information has been altered or modified in whole or in part, after having been published on the website, nor any other aspect or characteristic of what is published on the site or in the links, respectively. Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) does not control, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents that may cause alterations in your computer system (software and hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in your computer system.
Consequently, Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) shall not be liable for any damage caused by virtue of any alteration made to the materials or download files provided directly by the entity.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) is not responsible for any consequence derived from the improper entry of third parties to the database and/or for any technical failure in the operation and/or conservation of data in the system in any of the menus of its website.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) cannot guarantee the availability of online services and information required by users at any given time. Neither shall it incur in liability with the user or third parties when its website is not available.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) shall not be liable in any case and under any circumstances for any attacks or incidents against the security of its website or its information systems; or for any unauthorized, fraudulent or illicit exposure or access to its website that may affect the confidentiality, integrity or authenticity of the information published or associated with the contents and services offered therein.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) shall not be liable for the improper use made by users of the content of its website.
3.4. Use of the website by minors
Minors under 18 years of age or incapable persons shall not enter or use the services provided by the website without the prior consent of their parents, guardians or curators. Users under 18 years of age or incapable shall not register on their own account to access the services provided by the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), but only with the consent of their parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be.
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) declares, in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Minors or applicable laws, that the purpose of the website is not to harm the morals, or the physical or mental health of minors or incapacitated persons, or to obtain confidential and intimate information from the user for the purpose of using it against them. The parents, guardians or custodians of the minor or incapacitated user are fully responsible for the use that the minor or incapacitated user makes of the website.
If the user is a minor, the term User includes his or her parents or guardians. Consequently, the user must carefully read the general terms and conditions each time he/she intends to use the website.
If the user is a minor or incapacitated, the use of the website must be accompanied by the acceptance of the general conditions by their parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be. Only until the minor or incapable person obtains such acceptance, it is understood that the user is making valid use of the website. If the minor or incapable user does not obtain acceptance, he/she is not entitled to make use of the website. It is understood that the parents, guardians or curators, as the case may be, have granted the aforementioned authorization by the sole use of the website by the minor.
4. Applicable law and jurisdiction
- The user may not claim before Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) or before a judicial or administrative authority, the application of any condition, rule or agreement that is not expressly incorporated in these conditions of use.
- These conditions shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Colombia, in those aspects that are not expressly regulated therein.
- If any provision of these terms and conditions becomes invalid or unenforceable for any reason, all other provisions shall retain their enforceability, binding force and effect.
- For any legal or judicial effect, the place of these conditions is the city of Medellín, Republic of Colombia, and any controversy arising from their interpretation or application shall be submitted to the judges of the Republic of Colombia.
5. Duration and termination
The provision of the service of the website of Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) has an indefinite duration. However, the entity may terminate or suspend the provision of this service at any time. In case this situation should arise, Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) will previously inform about the fact, in order to avoid further inconveniences.
6. Contact us
If the visitor or user wishes to make suggestions to Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá) to improve the contents, information, services and in general what it offers on its website, he/she can do so through the different means of contact offered by the entity, through or the Hello METRO line 57(4) 444 95 98. Clarification: Some texts of this document were obtained from the websites of the Presidency of the Republic and the Portal of the Colombian State and adapted for Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá)