DECREE 1860 OF 2021
Valle de Aburrá Mass Transportation Company (Empresa de Transporte Masivo del Valle de Aburrá), needs to conduct several market studies in order to analyze the feasibility of advancing different contracting processes of the Company.
Therefore, we hereby inform that MSMEs that are interested in competitive selection processes, with a plural number of bidders and consider that they meet the legal conditions established in Decree 1860 of 2021, may express their request to apply as described in Article 5 of the aforementioned decree, through a document signed by the legal representative or authorized person, attaching the information required to prove compliance with the requirements of said article, identifying the name of the company and the legal representative making this request.

This request may be sent to the e-mail address, two months before the "Estimated start date of the selection process" (column 4) of the Annual Procurement Plan published on the Web page, indicating the "General Management Description" (column 1) and the "Responsible contact details" (column 12) registered in the Annual Procurement Plan published on the Web page
Please note that the applicant must attach the MIPYME accreditation information. Otherwise, it will not be taken into account, since the business size of the petitioner of this application has not been duly accredited.
In order to participate in the selection process, the interested person must register in the Company's supply system and participate in the Market Study, for which he/she must log in at