Charter for the dignified treatment of citizens.
Respected citizen:
In the performance of its functions, Medellin Metro System must treat the citizens with whom it interacts in a respectful, considerate and diligent manner.
In view of the foregoing, and in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 of Article 7 of the Code of Administrative Procedure and Administrative Disputes (Law 1437 of 2011), Metro de Medellin Ltda. hereby informs the rights of its users and the communication channels available to ensure the effective exercise of such rights:

Citizen's rights
- To be treated with the respect and consideration due to the dignity of the human being.
- Receive special and preferential attention in the case of persons with disabilities, children, adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly and, in general, persons in a state of defenselessness or manifest weakness, in accordance with Article 13 of the Political Constitution.
- Submit petitions, queries, requests, complaints, claims, compliments and reports of acts of corruption, verbally, in writing or by any other suitable means, and without the need for a proxy. Therefore, the above actions may be advanced or promoted by any of the technological or electronic means available in the Entity, even outside the opening hours to the public. To do so, you can find information on the following links:
- Internal rules of procedure for rights of petition
- Resolution on costs of reproduction and sending of information (Resolution 0146)
- We recognize them in the Transport User Regulations, which can be consulted at: User Regulations
Any other that is recognized by the - Constitution and the Law.
Assistance channels
Medellin Metro System discloses on its website the different means or channels of communication available for the submission of petitions, in any of its modalities, and in general communications, which constitute our Citizen Service System.
There you will find, among other channels, the following:
- Hola Metro Line: 444 95 98
- PBX: 454 88 88
- Email:
- Online support chat
- Customer service points:
- Located at the stations:
- San Antonio
- San Javier (temporarily closed due to Cívica card shortage)
- Acevedo (temporarily closed due to Cívica card shortage)
- Niquía
- Itagüí.
- San Antonio
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the general information of Medellin Metro System, its organizational structure, strategic direction, Code of Good Governance, location of its headquarters and areas, description of divisions or departments, opening hours to the public, is available on the website, which also indicates the different mechanisms through which the entity disseminates information of public interest.
Citizen's duties
- Correlatively with the rights they have, citizens who access the services and information of Medellin Metro System, must comply with the following duties since their purpose is, in turn, the best fulfillment of our functions and services:
- Act in accordance with the principle of good faith, refraining from using dilatory maneuvers in the proceedings, and from knowingly making or providing false statements or documents or making reckless assertions, among other conducts. Exercise their rights responsibly and, consequently, refrain from repeating obviously improper requests.
- Respect the assigned lines and/or shifts at the Service Points.
- To treat the employees of the Company and other users of our functions and services with respect.
- Take care of the facilities and elements provided by the Company for their service, comfort and well-being.
- Provide in a timely manner the necessary information to facilitate the identification of your procedure, service request or petition, request additional information or report on the response and processing; and keep updated the contact information and/or news, when required.
- Do not pay intermediaries to carry out procedures before the Entity, since most of them are free of charge and, if not, the respective costs are officially disclosed.
- To denounce acts of corruption of which it becomes aware.
Those contents in the Transport User Regulations, which can be consulted in the User Regulations.
To obey the Political Constitution and the laws.