
Anti-corruption and citizen attention plan

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As a public company, Metro de Medellín is governed by the National Government’s anti-corruption directives pursuant to 2012 Decree 2641 and 2011 Law 1474 Articles 73 and 76, which “dictate rules and regulations aimed at strengthening the mechanisms of prevention, investigation, and punishment of corruption acts, and the effectiveness of public management control”.

PlanAnticorrupcionBased on the “Strategies for Building the Anti-corruption and Citizen Attention Plan” methodology designed by the Transparency Secretariat for the President of the Republic’s Office, which must be implemented in all national, regional, and municipal public companies and State agencies, METRO presents its Anti-corruption Plan below.

With 8050 resolution of 2015, the Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption policy is adopted by Metro de Medellín and additionally modifies 5266 resolution of 2009 through which the public policy of administrative transparency and probity was adopted, taking advantage of municipal agreement No. 65 of 2008.

Read also:

2021 anti-corruption plan

2020 anti-corruption plan

2019 anti-corruption plan

2018 anti-corruption plan

2017 anti-corruption plan

2016 anti-corruption plan

2015 anti-corruption plan

2014 anti-corruption plan

2013 anti-corruption plan